viernes, 27 de mayo de 2016

Philosophy of teaching

The history of the world always has passed between oppressors and oppressed people;  the group who has the power and the group who doesn’t have, the group who has the money and the group who haven’t, the group who has the knowledge and the group who hasn’t. 
This continue class struggle has created many ways to see and perceive the world, and made many thinkers, people who try to explain the world and try to change the world with their own theory.  
A world in conflict creates critical people, creates ideas and solutions for the problems that we have. 

Around the world we have: political problems, poverty, discrimination, racism, even and obviously we have educational problems.  One of the problems who involves the education is the poverty, the poverty people around the world can’t access to education.  

La calidad de la educación que la mayoría de los niños recibe en América Latina es deficiente. Es particularmente el caso de las escuelas públicas que reúnen a la mayoría de los estudiantes de primaria y secundaria y virtualmente todos los sectores pobres. El énfasis puesto en la expansión ha significado reducir la atención en los procesos y los resultados del aprendizaje. (Puryear, 2007) 

This spanish part say that the public education is deficient, because the governments focus on building more school, but the education quality is poor. I need to add something more, the group who has the economic and political power doesn’t have any intention to give a good education to poor people, because it means, if there are educated people there are less chances to still have the power and dominate the people. 
I’ll like to add something that Mariateguia Peruvian journalist, political philosopher, and activist, said: the problem of teaching cannot be well understood, if this problem is not considerate like an economic and social problem.” (Mariategui, 1970) . 

 I want to start from these problematics, I think that, us as a teachers, have a powerful tool to change the world, and is we can create a critical awareness in our students about the world.  
My philosophy of teaching is give a political vision to the education, give to my students an education who gives them the opportunity to do critical reflection and not memorize the knowledge. 
I want that my students debate, think, use the dialectic to build a powerful argument to defend their ideals. I want to share with my students that our ideas can be put in practice. I want that they know about the praxis. 
I want to let they know that we can change the things, we can change our reality, we can do a better world, a fairer world where all of us live with dignity. 

Paulo Freire said: When the oppressed would attain his/her freedom, he/she will be a “new man”, and the wish and the goal is to have a society in harmony and social justice, where the people welfare is not based y the domination and exploitation. 
I take this quote because I think the education has the solution to the problems in the world. If there are critical thinkers around the world the things can chance. I think that if the people know the reality, think about their situation, the people would not be exploited. 

I also think that the teachers must to create dialogue channels between our students, to share their ideas and socialize: I don’t believe in an individual education as the traditional education does.  
I think that all of us can learn something about the others, we always learn from other people. 
We can’t be individualists, we need all the knowledge as be possible to understand the world and its reality. 
I think that the teaching must to be solidarity and humanistic, because we need build a new society based in respect and love. 
I’ll like to teach all of this in my class. 

I believe in an education where we are the principal actors, like a teachers or students, I believe in education that make us: think, reflect, share, change. 
I say not to the indoctrination, I say yes to the critical reflection that allow us overthrow the old world.  
I believe in education that allow us to build a better society, a better people, who take care about other people, who isn’t individualist. 
I believe these and I want to teach these. 

1 comentario:

  1. It is a very good attitude to be worried baout social justice and human solidarity values. But it is also importanyb to make the difference betewwn your own beliefs and reality in order to focus on the best ways to achieve your goals!
