What less effective teachers do wrong

What less effective teacher do wrong:

  • Mistake #10: When you ask a question in class, immediately call for volunteers.
  • Mistake #9: Call on student’s cold. 
  • Mistake #8: Turn classes into PowerPoint shows. 
  • Mistake #7: Fail to provide variety in instruction. 
  • Mistake #6: Have students work in groups with no individual accountability.
  • Mistake #5: Fail to establish relevance. 
  • Mistake #4. Give tests that are too long. 
  • Mistake #3: Get stuck in a rut. 
  • Mistake #2. Teach without clear learning objectives. 
  • Mistake #1. Disrespect students. 

In addition to these mistakes, in Ecuador exist other failures when trying to be "effective" in teaching. For example:
  • Use and abuse of behaviorism: in Ecuadorian classrooms is very common to find teachers to use in their daily practice behaviorism as the only method in the teaching-learning process.
  • A class with misuse of cognitivismo: many teachers fall into the mistake of believing that education should be an autonomous and competitive process, where the student is the competitor, these mistakes make teachers believe that there are better or worse assigments.
  • The misuse of constructivism: in teaching, the curriculum often requires us to work in groups but there are teachers that go further and exploit the use of "collaborative work" method. In this practice the teacher forgets autonomous work and personal development space that the student has to have.
Other common examples in Ecuadorian classrooms:

  • Teachers believe that if students expose all the subject content they are doing constructivism.
  • They give awards to the notes and not the effort, innovation or the "motivation".
  • Individual work is performing tasks at home only.
  • No parameters when evaluating the student.
  • No horizontal communication in the classroom.

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